This book was written using the amazing power of the Three S’s: sensitivity, synchronicity and serendipity. The people I needed help from to write this story all miraculously appeared in my life at exactly the moment I most needed them. The story was written when I was going through The Dark Night of the Soul, transitioning from a 23-year career working as the team photographer for the San Francisco 49ers back to the “real world.”
I want to thank the people who unselfishly and without hesitation contributed their insights and made this story a reality.
Dr. Carol Adrienne, noted life coach and the acclaimed author of the book, The Purpose of Your Life and The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide who worked with me and urged me to pursue writing. Three amazing editors, Holly Payne, Caroline Paul and Linda Jay; cover and book designer extraordinaire Tom Joyce, social media maven and general manager, Shari Weiss and the Bay Area’s best web designer and artist, Abigail Gorton.
Lt. Arthur Gerrans, SFPD retired, Sgt. Maureen Barron, SFPD, Inspector Ron Morehen, SFPD and SFFD retired, Sgt. Bob Del Torre, SFPD retired, Jerrod Marshall, Rohnert Park Public Safety Department, Battalion Chief “Big Mike” Cunnie, SFFD retired; San Francisco’s best tour guide, Mark Kasulen; Dr. Larry Dietz and Dr. Barbara Murphy. Social profiler, Steven Raymond Salisbury, Lincoln (SF) #43 – DB. And to Jeff Paquette, Lincoln (SF) #82 – End, who had four interceptions and caught the winning TD pass to beat Bal, 27-26, in the last 9 seconds at Kezar Stadium, Fri. October 27, 1967 — after further review, the cosmos has picked up the flag and awarded us the win.
Beth Huizenga and Janna Barkin, yoga teachers and renowned spiritualists; superb videographer and editor, Robert McIntosh; miracle working portrait photographer, Danielle Buoncristiani whose father, Capt. Al Benner, the “Cop Doc” founded the SFPD Officer Stress Unit. Jill Shay and my FIT and yoga sisters at Rolling Hills Club; Randy Gibson, my physical therapist who helped pull me through some very dark days. Terrell Lloyd, San Francisco 49ers team photographer, who continued to reach out. My barrista friends at Starbucks, San Marin; who make my Grande Americanos and are great company. And artist, Eduardo Aguilera, who built and unfortunately has had to rebuild McManus’ spiritual touchstone, the magnificent Lands End Labyrinth. Thank you Eduardo, for your gift to San Francisco.
And finally my wife, Rosemary, and my children Rocky and Niki, who had the patience and love to deal with a sports photographer for 35 years — only to then deal with a writer.
Again, Thank you and Namaste to all.
Bill Fox
Novato, California, September, 2014